Saturday, January 24, 2009

X-Men Origins

For those of you who are as excited about the latest installment of the X-Men franchise I have created a trailer for the X-Men Origins / Wolverine. I used the official trailer, mixed and matched the clips and added some sweet trailer music.
You might ask why I used a trailer to make a trailer.
1. Because there is no other videos on the movie other than the trailer.
2. Because there legal to download and they have a handful of action packed sequences ready for me to choose from.
They make it complicated though because the different sounds from the trailer overlap with my ideas for my own trailer.
But I can't complain.
It comes out right in the end.


Josiah said...

I WANT TO SEE THIS!!! I really like the other movies, and think wolverine is pretty cool. i hear it comes out may 1st ??? and i think we should see it!

Kayzar said...

That would be cool.