Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tour de' Random

As you have probably guessed by now if you click on the links to the left they will take you to youtube. There you can view my work. I have just uploaded four trailers. One is the Red Vs Blue Trailer, the others are Jurassic Park Trailers. The Jurassic Park trailers got their own category because there are so many of them and so few of everything else. These are actually only half of the Jurassic Park trailers that I have completed. But they are the best. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The opening of an industry...

So while I'm taking my own sweet time getting new videos up I thought I'd bore you all with the history behind RandomStudios. (If you can call it history)
RandomStudios was begat one day seven years ago when a young boy decided to use his mother's camera to make a short stop-motion animation with LEGOS. This began a series and many other experiments with different stories. Soon enough he started making trailers for movies. Then one day he decided he needed a name, and RandomStudios was born.
RandomStudios proceeded to make small movies such as the lip-synced Attack of the Random Musical and the not so serious, but quite funny, Ghost Eye Tree.
Several projects have come out between but none really worth mentioning.
But it was the Summer of 2008 that Kayzar finally broke into the open and posted his videos on the internet. The rest you know, or can easilly watch.
The day will come that RandomStudios will make short films from Kayzar's short scripts (and getting shorter).

Yeah I figured I'd put something on this blog to pass the time.
Don't want it to end up like the last one.

Monday, December 1, 2008

All vids will appear on the left in their selective categories